63 research outputs found

    Developing All-Skyrmion Spiking Neural Network

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    In this work, we have proposed a revolutionary neuromorphic computing methodology to implement All-Skyrmion Spiking Neural Network (AS-SNN). Such proposed methodology is based on our finding that skyrmion is a topological stable spin texture and its spatiotemporal motion along the magnetic nano-track intuitively interprets the pulse signal transmission between two interconnected neurons. In such design, spike train in SNN could be encoded as particle-like skyrmion train and further processed by the proposed skyrmion-synapse and skyrmion-neuron within the same magnetic nano-track to generate output skyrmion as post-spike. Then, both pre-neuron spikes and post-neuron spikes are encoded as particle-like skyrmions without conversion between charge and spin signals, which fundamentally differentiates our proposed design from other hybrid Spin-CMOS designs. The system level simulation shows 87.1% inference accuracy for handwritten digit recognition task, while the energy dissipation is ~1 fJ/per spike which is 3 orders smaller in comparison with CMOS based IBM TrueNorth system

    Simultaneously Optimizing Weight and Quantizer of Ternary Neural Network using Truncated Gaussian Approximation

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    In the past years, Deep convolution neural network has achieved great success in many artificial intelligence applications. However, its enormous model size and massive computation cost have become the main obstacle for deployment of such powerful algorithm in the low power and resource-limited mobile systems. As the countermeasure to this problem, deep neural networks with ternarized weights (i.e. -1, 0, +1) have been widely explored to greatly reduce the model size and computational cost, with limited accuracy degradation. In this work, we propose a novel ternarized neural network training method which simultaneously optimizes both weights and quantizer during training, differentiating from prior works. Instead of fixed and uniform weight ternarization, we are the first to incorporate the thresholds of weight ternarization into a closed-form representation using the truncated Gaussian approximation, enabling simultaneous optimization of weights and quantizer through back-propagation training. With both of the first and last layer ternarized, the experiments on the ImageNet classification task show that our ternarized ResNet-18/34/50 only has 3.9/2.52/2.16% accuracy degradation in comparison to the full-precision counterparts

    Optimize Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Ternarized Weights and High Accuracy

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    Deep convolution neural network has achieved great success in many artificial intelligence applications. However, its enormous model size and massive computation cost have become the main obstacle for deployment of such powerful algorithm in the low power and resource-limited embedded systems. As the countermeasure to this problem, in this work, we propose statistical weight scaling and residual expansion methods to reduce the bit-width of the whole network weight parameters to ternary values (i.e. -1, 0, +1), with the objectives to greatly reduce model size, computation cost and accuracy degradation caused by the model compression. With about 16x model compression rate, our ternarized ResNet-32/44/56 could outperform full-precision counterparts by 0.12%, 0.24% and 0.18% on CIFAR- 10 dataset. We also test our ternarization method with AlexNet and ResNet-18 on ImageNet dataset, which both achieve the best top-1 accuracy compared to recent similar works, with the same 16x compression rate. If further incorporating our residual expansion method, compared to the full-precision counterpart, our ternarized ResNet-18 even improves the top-5 accuracy by 0.61% and merely degrades the top-1 accuracy only by 0.42% for the ImageNet dataset, with 8x model compression rate. It outperforms the recent ABC-Net by 1.03% in top-1 accuracy and 1.78% in top-5 accuracy, with around 1.25x higher compression rate and more than 6x computation reduction due to the weight sparsity

    Bit-Flip Attack: Crushing Neural Network with Progressive Bit Search

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    Several important security issues of Deep Neural Network (DNN) have been raised recently associated with different applications and components. The most widely investigated security concern of DNN is from its malicious input, a.k.a adversarial example. Nevertheless, the security challenge of DNN's parameters is not well explored yet. In this work, we are the first to propose a novel DNN weight attack methodology called Bit-Flip Attack (BFA) which can crush a neural network through maliciously flipping extremely small amount of bits within its weight storage memory system (i.e., DRAM). The bit-flip operations could be conducted through well-known Row-Hammer attack, while our main contribution is to develop an algorithm to identify the most vulnerable bits of DNN weight parameters (stored in memory as binary bits), that could maximize the accuracy degradation with a minimum number of bit-flips. Our proposed BFA utilizes a Progressive Bit Search (PBS) method which combines gradient ranking and progressive search to identify the most vulnerable bit to be flipped. With the aid of PBS, we can successfully attack a ResNet-18 fully malfunction (i.e., top-1 accuracy degrade from 69.8% to 0.1%) only through 13 bit-flips out of 93 million bits, while randomly flipping 100 bits merely degrades the accuracy by less than 1%

    Blind Pre-Processing: A Robust Defense Method Against Adversarial Examples

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    Deep learning algorithms and networks are vulnerable to perturbed inputs which is known as the adversarial attack. Many defense methodologies have been investigated to defend against such adversarial attack. In this work, we propose a novel methodology to defend the existing powerful attack model. We for the first time introduce a new attacking scheme for the attacker and set a practical constraint for white box attack. Under this proposed attacking scheme, we present the best defense ever reported against some of the recent strong attacks. It consists of a set of nonlinear function to process the input data which will make it more robust over the adversarial attack. However, we make this processing layer completely hidden from the attacker. Blind pre-processing improves the white box attack accuracy of MNIST from 94.3\% to 98.7\%. Even with increasing defense when others defenses completely fail, blind pre-processing remains one of the strongest ever reported. Another strength of our defense is that it eliminates the need for adversarial training as it can significantly increase the MNIST accuracy without adversarial training as well. Additionally, blind pre-processing can also increase the inference accuracy in the face of a powerful attack on CIFAR-10 and SVHN data set as well without much sacrificing clean data accuracy

    Parametric Noise Injection: Trainable Randomness to Improve Deep Neural Network Robustness against Adversarial Attack

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    Recent development in the field of Deep Learning have exposed the underlying vulnerability of Deep Neural Network (DNN) against adversarial examples. In image classification, an adversarial example is a carefully modified image that is visually imperceptible to the original image but can cause DNN model to misclassify it. Training the network with Gaussian noise is an effective technique to perform model regularization, thus improving model robustness against input variation. Inspired by this classical method, we explore to utilize the regularization characteristic of noise injection to improve DNN's robustness against adversarial attack. In this work, we propose Parametric-Noise-Injection (PNI) which involves trainable Gaussian noise injection at each layer on either activation or weights through solving the min-max optimization problem, embedded with adversarial training. These parameters are trained explicitly to achieve improved robustness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that uses trainable noise injection to improve network robustness against adversarial attacks, rather than manually configuring the injected noise level through cross-validation. The extensive results show that our proposed PNI technique effectively improves the robustness against a variety of powerful white-box and black-box attacks such as PGD, C & W, FGSM, transferable attack and ZOO attack. Last but not the least, PNI method improves both clean- and perturbed-data accuracy in comparison to the state-of-the-art defense methods, which outperforms current unbroken PGD defense by 1.1 % and 6.8 % on clean test data and perturbed test data respectively using Resnet-20 architecture

    KSM: Fast Multiple Task Adaption via Kernel-wise Soft Mask Learning

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNN) could forget the knowledge about earlier tasks when learning new tasks, and this is known as \textit{catastrophic forgetting}. While recent continual learning methods are capable of alleviating the catastrophic problem on toy-sized datasets, some issues still remain to be tackled when applying them in real-world problems. Recently, the fast mask-based learning method (e.g. piggyback \cite{mallya2018piggyback}) is proposed to address these issues by learning only a binary element-wise mask in a fast manner, while keeping the backbone model fixed. However, the binary mask has limited modeling capacity for new tasks. A more recent work \cite{hung2019compacting} proposes a compress-grow-based method (CPG) to achieve better accuracy for new tasks by partially training backbone model, but with order-higher training cost, which makes it infeasible to be deployed into popular state-of-the-art edge-/mobile-learning. The primary goal of this work is to simultaneously achieve fast and high-accuracy multi task adaption in continual learning setting. Thus motivated, we propose a new training method called \textit{kernel-wise Soft Mask} (KSM), which learns a kernel-wise hybrid binary and real-value soft mask for each task, while using the same backbone model. Such a soft mask can be viewed as a superposition of a binary mask and a properly scaled real-value tensor, which offers a richer representation capability without low-level kernel support to meet the objective of low hardware overhead. We validate KSM on multiple benchmark datasets against recent state-of-the-art methods (e.g. Piggyback, Packnet, CPG, etc.), which shows good improvement in both accuracy and training cost

    Robust Sparse Regularization: Simultaneously Optimizing Neural Network Robustness and Compactness

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    Deep Neural Network (DNN) trained by the gradient descent method is known to be vulnerable to maliciously perturbed adversarial input, aka. adversarial attack. As one of the countermeasures against adversarial attack, increasing the model capacity for DNN robustness enhancement was discussed and reported as an effective approach by many recent works. In this work, we show that shrinking the model size through proper weight pruning can even be helpful to improve the DNN robustness under adversarial attack. For obtaining a simultaneously robust and compact DNN model, we propose a multi-objective training method called Robust Sparse Regularization (RSR), through the fusion of various regularization techniques, including channel-wise noise injection, lasso weight penalty, and adversarial training. We conduct extensive experiments across popular ResNet-20, ResNet-18 and VGG-16 DNN architectures to demonstrate the effectiveness of RSR against popular white-box (i.e., PGD and FGSM) and black-box attacks. Thanks to RSR, 85% weight connections of ResNet-18 can be pruned while still achieving 0.68% and 8.72% improvement in clean- and perturbed-data accuracy respectively on CIFAR-10 dataset, in comparison to its PGD adversarial training baseline

    A Progressive Sub-Network Searching Framework for Dynamic Inference

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    Many techniques have been developed, such as model compression, to make Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) inference more efficiently. Nevertheless, DNNs still lack excellent run-time dynamic inference capability to enable users trade-off accuracy and computation complexity (i.e., latency on target hardware) after model deployment, based on dynamic requirements and environments. Such research direction recently draws great attention, where one realization is to train the target DNN through a multiple-term objective function, which consists of cross-entropy terms from multiple sub-nets. Our investigation in this work show that the performance of dynamic inference highly relies on the quality of sub-net sampling. With objective to construct a dynamic DNN and search multiple high quality sub-nets with minimal searching cost, we propose a progressive sub-net searching framework, which is embedded with several effective techniques, including trainable noise ranking, channel group and fine-tuning threshold setting, sub-nets re-selection. The proposed framework empowers the target DNN with better dynamic inference capability, which outperforms prior works on both CIFAR-10 and ImageNet dataset via comprehensive experiments on different network structures. Taken ResNet18 as an example, our proposed method achieves much better dynamic inference accuracy compared with prior popular Universally-Slimmable-Network by 4.4%-maximally and 2.3%-averagely in ImageNet dataset with the same model size

    T-BFA: Targeted Bit-Flip Adversarial Weight Attack

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    Traditional Deep Neural Network (DNN) security is mostly related to the well-known adversarial input example attack. Recently, another dimension of adversarial attack, namely, attack on DNN weight parameters, has been shown to be very powerful. As a representative one, the Bit-Flip-based adversarial weight Attack (BFA) injects an extremely small amount of faults into weight parameters to hijack the executing DNN function. Prior works of BFA focus on un-targeted attack that can hack all inputs into a random output class by flipping a very small number of weight bits stored in computer memory. This paper proposes the first work of targeted BFA based (T-BFA) adversarial weight attack on DNNs, which can intentionally mislead selected inputs to a target output class. The objective is achieved by identifying the weight bits that are highly associated with classification of a targeted output through a class-dependent weight bit ranking algorithm. Our proposed T-BFA performance is successfully demonstrated on multiple DNN architectures for image classification tasks. For example, by merely flipping 27 out of 88 million weight bits of ResNet-18, our T-BFA can misclassify all the images from 'Hen' class into 'Goose' class (i.e., 100 % attack success rate) in ImageNet dataset, while maintaining 59.35 % validation accuracy. Moreover, we successfully demonstrate our T-BFA attack in a real computer prototype system running DNN computation, with Ivy Bridge-based Intel i7 CPU and 8GB DDR3 memory
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